Hello, hi. Welcome to a new blog on Captain Katara’s art! Today I thought I would do something a little different then I usually do. I am going to talk about eyes, which is a part of drawing humans. You can draw eyes in many different kinds. Some examples is cartoon-eyes, which are usually pretty simple and often very big, anime, that are a little more complicated but big and still very much “sketched” and realistic eyes, that look much like real eyes. If you want to look at how a cartoon eye can look like, at least in my style, you can check out my
cartoon drawing called The tree-girl cartoon (Root) and sometime soon I will show an anime drawing so that you can see how there eyes can look like. Today I will mostly focus on the realistic kind, and as usuall I will post a picture.
When I draw eyes or other body parts I always use support lines and then start. So a realistic eye can start by a circle for a start. Also I recommend to take a picture of your own eye or take one or more from internet to get inspiration. If you really do not know how to make it or where to start, look it up on a youtube video. Youtube is always a great sou to gain inspiration from. I wish you the best of luck! If you have any suggestions or questions you can leave it in the comments, and if uou have ang tips dor other readers, or photos from your artwork, swing by the group! See you in the next blog!